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  • What is Twytch?
    TWYTCH is a revolutionary device that lets you activate your fast twitch muscles anywhere and anytime to allow you to reach your full fitness potential. It measures your muscular strength, serving as a diagnostic tool to diagnose muscular imbalances.
  • Where Can I Buy Twytch?
    TWYTCH is still its conception phase. We are asking everyone to join us on this product's design journey from conception to the production phase. The product will be available soon. If you would like to be notified when TWYTCH will become available for purchase or to receive product updates, join our mailing list.
  • When will the Product Ship?
    TWYTCH is currently in its conception phase. Patent-pending. We are not shipping products at this time. We will be opening cart on Indiegogo in a few days. If you would like to be notified when we will begin accepting orders, please join our mailing list.
  • How Do I Join To Vote?
    Thank you for your interest in voting on the design, logo and packaging. At the moment, the voting is closed. However you can still be part of our journey to creating the revolutionary Twytch. Join us to become part of the journey
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